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Bibliotecile Municipale din Paris

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Lista tuturor bibliotecilor municipale cu intrare gratuita din Paris, aranjata pe arondismente, adresa, numar de telefon, tematica, orar de lucru etc. Accesul se face pe baza unei legitimatii, care o puteti obtine daca va inscrieti pe site-ul www.bibliotheques.paris.fr sau direct la biblioteca. Speram ca aceste informatii vor fi de folos actualilor si viitorilor studenti care vor veni la studii in Franta. In aceasta lista nu sunt incluse si bibliotecile Institutiilor de invatamant sau campusurilor universitare. Cand vom face rost de aceasta lista, o vom publica.-


Bibliotheque Louvre
Tematica: Generala
Arrondissement 1
Adresa: 4 Place du Louvre
Metro: Pont-Neuf, Louvre-Rivoli
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 44 50 75 35
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-17h
Miercuri: 10h-17h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 10h-17h
Sambata: 10h-12h

Bibliotheque Charlotte Delbo
Tematica: Literatura contemporana
Arrondissement 2
Adresa: 2 passage des Petits Peres
Metro: Bourse, Palais-Royal
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 53 29 74 30
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Marguerite Audoux
Tematica: Cultura Iudaica, Istoria Muncii, Poezie
Arrondissement 3
Adresa: 10 rue Portefoin
Metro: Temple, Arts et Metiers
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 44 78 55 20
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Baudoyer
Tematica: Generala
Arrondissement 4
Adresa: 2 Place Baudoyer
Metro: Hotel de Ville, Saint-Paul
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 44 54 76 70
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 10h-17h

Bibliotheque Isle Saint-Louis
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 4
Adresa: 21 rue Saint-Louis-en-l'lle
Metro: Pont-Marie
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 56 81 28 10
Orar de lucru
Marti: 16h30-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 16h30-18h30
Vineri: 16h30-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Buffon
Tematica: CDML si Generala
Arrondissement 5
Adresa: 15 bis, rue Buffon
Metro: Gare d'Austerlitzl
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 55 43 25 25
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h30-19h
Miercuri: 10h30-19h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 10h30-19h
Sambata: 10h30-18h

Bibliotheque L'heure Joyeuse
Tematica: Istorie si Documente tineret
Arrondissement 5
Adresa: 6-12 rue des Pretres Saint Severin
Metro: Sailt-Michel, Cluny
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 56 81 15 60
Orar de lucru
Marti: 15h30-18h
Miercuri: 10h30-18h
Joi: 15h30-18h
Vineri: 15h30-18h
Sambata: 10h30-18h

Bibliotheque Mouffetard
Tematica: Romane Politiste
Arrondissement 5
Adresa: 74-76 rue Mouffetard
Metro: Monge, Cardinal Lemoine
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 43 37 96 54
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 14h-22h
Vineri: 14h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Rainer Maria Rilke
Tematica: Stiinta si Fictiune
Arrondissement 5
Adresa: 88 ter, bd. de Port Royal
RER: Port-Royal
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 56 81 10 70
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 14h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Andre Malraux
Tematica: Istorie si viata locala
Arrondissement 6
Adresa: 112 rue de Rennes
Metro: Rennes, Saint-Placide
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 44 53 85
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Amélie
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 7
Adresa: 164 rue de Grenelle
Metro: Latour Maubourg
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 47 05 89 66
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-17h

Bibliotheque Saint-Simon
Tematica: Generala
Arrondissement 7
Adresa: 116 rue de Grenelle
Metro: Solferino, Varenne
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 53 58 76 40
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 10h-13h

Bibliotheque Courcelles
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 8
Adresa: 17ter, av. Beaucour
Metro: Ternes, Etoile
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 47 63 22 81
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h-18h30
Vineri: 13h-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Europe
Tematica: Adulti
Arrondissement 8
Adresa: 3 rue de Lisbonne
Metro: Rennes, Saint-Placide
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 44 90 75 45
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 10h-13h

Bibliotheque Chaptal
Tematica: Tineret, Adulti, Video
Arrondissement 9
Adresa: 26 rue Chaptal
Metro: Blanche, Liege
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 49 70 92 80
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Drouot
Tematica: Litere, Carti in Engleza
Arrondissement 9
Adresa: 11 rue Drouot
Metro: Richelieu-Drouot, Le Peletier
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 46 97 78
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h30-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 12h30-19h
Vineri: 12h30-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Valeyre
Tematica: Litere, Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 9
Adresa: 24 rue de Rochechouart
Metro: Cadet
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 85 27 56
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Chateau D'eau
Tematica: Fotografie si Arta
Arrondissement 10
Adresa: 72 rue du Fg Saint-Martin
Metro: Chateau-d'Eau
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 53 72 11 75
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 09h30-12h30

Bibliotheque Ferancois Villon
Tematica: Informatica, Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 10
Adresa: 81 bd. de la Villette
Metro: Colonel Fabien
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 41 14 30
Orar de lucru
Marti: 14h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 14h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Lancry
Arrondissement 10
Adresa: 11 rue de Lancry
Metro: Republique, Jacques Bonsergent
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 03 25 98
Orar de lucru
Marti: 14h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Faidherbe
Tematica: Limba Franceza pentru Straini
Arrondissement 11
Adresa: 18-20 rue Faidherbe
Metro: Faidherbe-Chaligny
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 55 25 80 20
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h-22h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Parmentier
Tematica: Adulti, Tineret, Video
Arrondissement 11
Adresa: 20bis av. Parmentier
Metro: Voltaire
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 55 28 30 15
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Diderot
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 12
Adresa: 42 av. Daumesnil
Metro: Gare de Lyon
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 43 40 69 94
Orar de lucru
Marti: 16h30-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 16h30-18h30
Vineri: 16h30-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Médiathèque Hélène Berr
Tematica: Muzica, Adulti, Tineret
Arrondissement 12
Adresa: 70 rue de Picpus
Metro: Daumesnil, Nation, Picpus
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 43 45 87 12
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Saint-Eloi
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 12
Adresa: 23 rue du Colonel Rozanoff
Metro: Reuilly-Diderot, Montgallet
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 53 44 70 30
Orar de lucru
Marti: 14h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 14h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Glaciere
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 13
Adresa: 132 rue de la Glaciere
Metro: Glaciere
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 89 55 47
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Italie
Tematica: Literatura Italiana si Psihologie
Arrondissement 13
Adresa: 211-213 bd Vincent-Auriol
Metro: Place d'Italie
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 56 61 34 30
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 10h-19h 

Mediatheque Jean-Pierre Melville
Tematica: Literatura Asiatica
Arrondissement 13
Adresa: 79 rue Nationale
Metro: Olympiades, tolbiac, Nationale
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 53 82 76 76
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h30-19h
Miercuri: 10h30-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 10h30-19h
Sambata: 10h30-18h

Bibliotheque Georges Brassens
Tematica: Adulti, Tineret, Video
Arrondissement 14
Adresa: 38 rue Gassendi
Metro: Denfert Rochereau, Mounton-Duvernet
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 53 90 30 30
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Aime Cesaire
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 14
Adresa: 5 rue de Ridder
Metro: Plaisance
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 41 24 74
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 10h-17h

Bibliotheque Vandamme
Tematica: Adulti si tineret
Arrondissement 14
Adresa: 80 av. du Maine
Metro: Gaite
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 43 22 42 18
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h-19h
Miercuri: 11h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 11h-18h

Bibliotheque Beaugrenelle
Tematica: Muzica
Arrondissement 15
Adresa: 36-40 rue Emeriau
Metro: Charles-Michels, Dupleix
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 77 63 40
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Vandamme
Tematica: Adulti si tineret
Arrondissement 14
Adresa: 80 av. du Maine
Metro: Gaite
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 43 22 42 18
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h-19h
Miercuri: 11h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 11h-18h 

Bibliotheque Beaugrenelle
Tematica: Muzica
Arrondissement 15
Adresa: 36-40 rue Emeriau
Metro: Charles-Michels, Dupleix
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 77 63 40
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 12h-19h
Vineri: 12h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Gutenberg
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 15
Adresa: 8 rue de la Montagne d'Aulas
Metro: Balard, Javel
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 54 69 76
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h30-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h30-18h30
Vineri: 13h30-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Mediatheque Marguerite Yourcenar
Tematica: Ecologie si Dezvoltare durabila
Arrondissement 15
Adresa: 41 rue d'Alleray
Metro: Vaugirard, Convention
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 30 71 41
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Vaugirard
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 15
Adresa: 154 rue Lecourbe
Metro: Vaugirard
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 48 28 77 42
Orar de lucru
Marti: 12h30-19h30
Miercuri: 10h-17h30
Joi: 12h30-19h30
Vineri: 12h30-19h30
Sambata: 10h-17h30

Bibliotheque Musset
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 16
Adresa: 20 rue de Musset
Metro: Exelmans
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 25 69 83
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Germaine Tillion
Tematica: Turism
Arrondissement 16
Adresa: 6 rue du Commandant Schocesing
Metro: Trocadero
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 47 04 70 85
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Batignolles
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 17
Adresa: 18 rue des Batignolles
Metro: Rome, Place de Clichy
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 44 69 18 30
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h30-19h
Miercuri: 10h30-19h
Joi: 12h30-19h
Vineri: 10h30-19h
Sambata: 10h-12h 

Bibliotheque Colette Vivier
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 17
Adresa: 6 rue Fourneyron
Metro: Brochant
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 28 69 94
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h30-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h30-18h30
Vineri: 13h30-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Mediatheque Edmond Rostand
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 17
Adresa: 11 rue Nicolas Chuquet
Metro: Pereire, Wagram
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 48 88 07 17
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 14h-22h
Vineri: 14h-19h
Sambata: 10h-19h 

Bibliotheque Clignancourt
Tematica: Adulti, Tineret si Video
Arrondissement 18
Adresa: 29 rue Hermel
Metro: Jules Joffrin
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 53 41 35 60
Orar de lucru
Marti: 10h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-20h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 10h-20h
Sambata: 10h-19h 

Bibliotheque Maurice Genevoix
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 18
Adresa: 19 rue Tristan Tzara
Metro: Marx-Dormony, Porte de la Chapelle
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 46 07 35 05
Orar de lucru
Marti: 16h-18h
Miercuri: 12h-18h
Joi: 16h-18h
Vineri: 12h-18h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Porte-Montmartre
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 18
Adresa: 30 av. de la Porte-Montmartre
Metro: Porte de Climancourt
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 55 60 20
Orar de lucru
Marti: 14h-18h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 14h-19h
Vineri: 10h-18h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Benjamin Rabier
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 19
Adresa: 141 av. de Flandre
Metro: Crimee
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 09 31 24
Orar de lucru
Marti: 16h-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 16h-18h30
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Crimee
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 19
Adresa: 42-44 rue Petit
Metro: Laumier
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 45 56 40
Orar de lucru
Marti: 16h-18h39
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 16h-18h30
Vineri: 14h-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Fessart
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 19
Adresa: 6 rue Fessart
Metro: Jourdain
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 45 44 53 85
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h30-17h30
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-17h30 

Bibliotheque Claude Levi-Strauss
Tematica: Adulti si Video
Arrondissement 19
Adresa: 41 av. de Flaudre
Metro: Stalingrad, Riquet
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 40 35 96 46
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Herge
Tematica: Muzica si Tineret
Arrondissement 19
Adresa: 2-4 rue du Departement
Metro: Stalingrad
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 40 38 18 08
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h-18h30
Vineri: 13h-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Places des Fetes
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 19
Adresa: 18 rue Janssen
Metro: Place des Fetes, Pre Saint-Gervais
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 42 49 55 90
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 11h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 11h-18h

Bibliotheque Couronnes
Tematica: Cultura din Africana si Araba
Arrondissement 20
Adresa: 66 rue des Couronnes
Metro: Couronnes
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 40 33 26 01
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Mortier
Tematica: Tineret
Arrondissement 20
Adresa: 109 bd Mortier
Metro: Porte des Lilas
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 43 61 74 64
Orar de lucru
Marti: 14h-18h15
Miercuri: 10h30-18h15
Joi: 14h-18h15
Vineri: 14h-18h15
Sambata: 14h-18h15 

Bibliotheque Loise Michel
Tematica: Adulti, Tineret, Video
Arrondissement 20
Adresa: 29/35 rue des Hais
Metro: Avron. Buzenval
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 58 39 32 10
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Mediatheque Marguerite Duras
Tematica: Istorie Pariziana, orientare profesionala, arta cont.
Arrondissement 20
Adresa: 115 rue de Bagnolet
Metro: Alexandre Dumas, Porte de Bagnolet
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 55 25 49 10
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-19h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 10h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h

Bibliotheque Saint-Fargeau Oscar Wilde                                 
Tematica: Teatru contemporan
Arrondissement 20
Adresa: 12 rue du Telegraphe
Metro: Telegraphe
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 43 66 84 29
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h-19h
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h-19h
Vineri: 13h-19h
Sambata: 10h-18h 

Bibliotheque Sorbier
Tematica: Adulti si Tineret
Arrondissement 20
Adresa: 17 rue Sorbier
Metro: Gambetta
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 01 46 36 17 79
Orar de lucru
Marti: 13h30-18h30
Miercuri: 10h-18h
Joi: 13h30-18h30
Vineri: 13h30-18h30
Sambata: 10h-18h


Sursa: bibliotheques.paris.fr

Citit 9226 ori Ultima modificare Miercuri, 27 Martie 2013 18:43
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